Day 6: “Neighbors there know each other”


Date:17 December 2021
Location:Athens Court of First Instance, Degleri street, courtroom #2
Access:Access to the courthouse was limited due to measures against the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. No audience was allowed in the courtroom with the exception of the victim’s family, six journalists, one representative of Amnesty International, one representative of the “Orlando LGBTQI+” group and two observers. Photojournalists are not allowed to cover the trial.
Defendants in attendance:Athanasios Chortarias, owner of a real estate agency
Vassilios Rousakos, police officer, Zeta Group
Leonidas Alexandris, police officer, Zeta Group
David Seferis, police officer, DIAS Group
Ioannis Tsombanis, police officer, DIAS Group
Process:Examination of witnesses from the list included in the referral order:
– K.A., eyewitness, from nearby “Venetis” bakery
– G.N., eyewitness, from nearby “Zacharokalamo” cafe
– X.D., eyewitness, passerby
– Ch.V., eyewitness, from nearby “Roumeli” restaurant
– S.A., eyewitness, from nearby office building
– K.F., eyewitness, passerby
– V.A., eyewitness, customer at “Venetis”
Reading of the investigation statements of witnesses in absentia
Next hearings:21 December 2021, 18, 25 and 28 January 2022
Composition of the court:Judges:
Stavgianoudaki Eleana (chair)
Efthimiou Maria
Moraiti Eleni.
Members of the jury:
Prosecutor: Sotirios Bougioukos

Our report from the court proceedings of the day will be posted in this page.

The full text of our transcript from the courtroom (in Greek) :



Date:17 December 2021
Location:Athens Court of First Instance, Degleri street, courtroom #2
Access:Access to the courthouse was limited due to measures against the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. No audience was allowed in the courtroom with the exception of the victim’s family, six journalists, one representative of Amnesty International, one representative of the “Orlando LGBTQI+” group and two observers. Photojournalists are not allowed to cover the trial.
Defendants in attendance:Athanasios Chortarias, owner of a real estate agency
Vassilios Rousakos, police officer, Zeta Group
Leonidas Alexandris, police officer, Zeta Group
David Seferis, police officer, DIAS Group
Ioannis Tsombanis, police officer, DIAS Group
Process:Examination of witnesses from the list included in the referral order:
– K.A., eyewitness, from nearby "Venetis" bakery
– G.N., eyewitness, from nearby "Zacharokalamo" cafe
– X.D., eyewitness, passerby
– Ch.V., eyewitness, from nearby "Roumeli" restaurant
– S.A., eyewitness, from nearby office building
– K.F., eyewitness, passerby
– V.A., eyewitness, customer at "Venetis"
Reading of the investigation statements of witnesses in absentia
Next hearings:21 December 2021, 18, 25 and 28 January 2022
Composition of the court:Judges:
Stavgianoudaki Eleana (chair)
Efthimiou Maria
Moraiti Eleni.
Members of the jury:
Prosecutor: Sotirios Bougioukos

Our report from the court proceedings of the day will be posted in this page.

The full text of our transcript from the courtroom (in Greek) :